2,873 research outputs found

    Inflation Targeting, Credibility and Confidence Crises

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    We study the interplay between the central bank transparency, its credibility, and the inflation target level. Based on a model developed in the spirit of the global games literature, we argue that whenever a weak central bank adopts a high degree of transparency and a low target level, a bad and self confirmed type of equilibrium may arise. In this case, an over-the-target inflation becomes more likely. The central bank is considered weak when favorable state of nature is required for the target to be achieved. On the other hand, if a weak central bank opts for less ambitious goals, namely lower degree of transparency and higher target level, it may avoid confidence crises and ensure a unique equilibrium for the expected inflation. Moreover, even after ruling out the possibility of confidence crises, less ambitious goals may be desirable in order to attain higher credibility and hence a better coordination of expectations. Conversely, a low target level and a high central bank transparency are desirable whenever the economy has strong fundamentals and the target can be fulfilled in many states of nature.

    Determination of the mechanical characteristics of femur from female wistar rats with osteoporosis

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    Orientador: Ana Cláudia RossiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o módulo de elasticidade do fêmur de ratos com osteoporose utilizando o teste mecânico e o cálculo computadorizado. Foram utilizadas 6 fêmeas de ratos da linhagem Wistar separadas em 2 grupos: SHAM, grupo controle com 3 ratas submetidas a cirurgia placebo; OVX, grupo com osteoporose induzida com 3 ratas submetidas a cirurgia de ovariectomia. Após a maturação das ratas até idade adulta, estas foram eutanasiadas no período de 120 dias após a cirurgia e o fêmur direito foi removido. O material coletado foi submetido ao exame de imagem realizado no microtomógrafo SkyScan 1174 e posteriormente ao teste mecânico de flexão na diáfise do osso na máquina de teste universal Instron 4411. Foi utilizado o software MIMICS para realizar os cálculos do módulo de elasticidade e densidade. Foi usado o teste t de Student para comparar as informações obtidas nos dois grupos. O tecido ósseo acometido por osteoporose possui valores de módulo de elasticidade, densidade mineral muito inferiores em relação ao tecido ósseo sadio, com diferença estatisticamente significativa (p <0,05). O cálculo do módulo de elasticidade pela densidade aparente não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados. De forma macroscópica foi notado que o padrão de fratura do tecido ósseo osteoporótico é incompleto em "galho-verde" necessitando uma força muito inferior que o tecido ósseo sadio, o qual possui fratura completa. O osso com osteoporose apresenta uma maior fragilidade, com características mecânicas diferentes do tecido saudável. As informações obtidas podem servir de base para caracterizar o tecido ósseo para realizar experimentos computadorizadosAbstract: The objective of this study was to compare the elasticity modulus of the femur of rats Wistar with osteoporosis using the mechanical test and the computerized calculation. Six female Wistar rats were separated into two groups: SHAM, control group with 3 rats submitted to placebo surgery; OVX, a group with osteoporosis induced with 3 rats submitted to ovariectomy surgery. After maturation of the rats until adulthood, they were euthanized within 120 days after surgery and the right femur was removed. The collected material was submitted to microtomograph SkyScan 1174 and after it was performed the mechanical flexural test in the bone diaphysis, and to the compression test on the femoral head on the Instron 4411 universal test machine. The MIMICS software was used to perform calculations of the modulus of elasticity and density. Student's t-test was used to compare the information obtained in the two groups. Bone tissue affected by osteoporosis has modulus of elasticity values, mineral density much lower than healthy bone tissue, with a statistically significant difference (p <0.05). The calculation of the modulus of elasticity by the apparent density showed no significant difference between the analyzed groups. Macroscopically it was noted that the fracture pattern of osteoporotic bone tissue is incomplete in "green branch" requiring a much lower force than healthy bone tissue, which has a complete fracture. Bone with osteoporosis presents a greater fragility, with different mechanical characteristics of healthy tissue. The information obtained can serve as a basis for characterizing the bone tissue to perform computerized experimentsDoutoradoAnatomiaDoutor em Biologia Buco-DentalCAPE

    Protopleurobema: a new genus of freshwater bivalve from the Lower Cretaceous of the Cameros basin (NW Spain)

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    A new genus of fossil bivalve from the Lower Cretaceous of the Cameros Basin is described and designated Protopleurobema. As well as the type material of Unio numantinus (Palacios and Sánchez, 1885), we examined 805 specimens discovered in deposits comprising unit D of the lithological Urbión Group of Upper Barremian-Lower Aptian age. This new taxon is compared here to all the available closely related Mesozoic genera described in the literature. A large number of juvenile and adult specimens of Protopleurobema numantina (Palacios and Sánchez, 1885) were found in what was interpreted as a palaeoecological association. The presence of bivalves (Unionoida) and gastropods of the genus Viviparus indicate the freshwater nature of the environment.Se describe un nuevo género de bivalvo de agua dulce del Cretácico Inferior en la Cuenca de Cameros que se ha denominado Protopleurobema. Además del material tipo de Unio numantinus (Palacios y Sánchez, 1885), se han estudiado 805 ejemplares que proceden de los materiales del Grupo Urbión (Unidad D), cuya edad es Barremiense Superior-Aptiense Inferior. Este nuevo taxón se compara con los géneros más similares del Mesozoico descritos en la bibliografía.Se han encontrado un número elevado de ejemplares adultos y juveniles de Protopleurobema numantina (Palacios y Sánchez, 1885) que representan una asociación paleoecológica. La presencia de bivalvos (Unionoida) y gasterópodos del género Viviparus indican un ambiente de agua dulce

    Manoel Correia de Andrade, território e urbanização no nordeste: uma análise de dados

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015Manuel Correia de Andrade (1922 – 2007) é uma das principais referências sobre a formação econômica do complexo nordestino. No vasto conjunto de sua obra, o autor veio a tratar, com uma visão multidisciplinar, das relações sociais produtivas e sua infl uência sobre a formação da estrutura socioeconômica do nordeste. O presente trabalho visa expor e discorrer sobre as hipóteses do autor quanto à urbanização e os desenvolvimentos do território nordestino a partir do processo de modernização, com ênfase na marginalização decorrente do êxodo rural, e de sua relação com o centro de poder políticoBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    An Observational Investigation of Mid-Latitude Thermospheric Temperatures and High-Latitude E-Region Neutral Wind Structures

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    The Earth\u27s atmosphere is a complicated environment. Different physical processes affect it depending on the altitude and latitude, among other factors. Three different aspects of the Earth\u27s upper atmosphere are investigated here, using two different techniques. These investigations are: the mid-latitude midnight temperature maximum (MTM), the mesosphere and low-thermosphere Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI), and the advective acceleration in the E-region. All of these studies occur in the Earth\u27s thermosphere and expand our understanding of these phenomena that represent different ways in which energy is transferred throughout the Earth\u27s atmosphere. Observing and characterizing these energy transfer pathways is crucial to further our knowledge of these geophysical processes. The MTM is typically understood as an equatorial phenomenon that has a characteristic temperature increase around midnight due to the constructive interference between tidal components. While this phenomenon has been studied thoroughly in latitudes 3˘c±\u3c\pm20^\circ and modeled to reach \sim60^\circ; previous observations of temperature and winds had not confirmed its occurrence in latitudes 3˘e\u3e20^\circ N. In \citet{Mesquita2018} and Chapter \ref{chap:MTM} the following scientific question is addressed: What are the characteristics of the mid-latitude MTM? To answer it, a technique was developed to observe the phenomenon and estimate its amplitude between 32^\circ N and 42^\circ N. This investigation used the North American Thermosphere Ionosphere Observing Network (NATION) containing 5 Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI). Its data set includes a total of 846 nights of observations over a period of approximately 5 years. The new approach for calculating the MTM amplitude was developed by using a series of fits to determine the tidal background. Removing this background from the temperatures and applying an inversion algorithm allowed for the construction of two-dimensional temperature and wind maps, which illustrated the effects of the MTM on the wind field. A statistical analysis of the feature proved that both MTM peaks oscillate with semi-annual and annual periods. The KHI has been observed and characterized in the mesosphere (statically unstable region). However, the few observations of this phenomena in the low thermosphere (statically stable region) were not detailed and did not show evidence of turbulence above the mesopause. The following scientific questions were still unanswered: What is the triggering mechanism of KHIs in statically stable regions and how does it evolve? These questions are addressed by \citet{Mesquita2020} and in Chapter \ref{chap:SS}. The triangulation of vapor traces from sounding rockets showed the KHI in great detail above 100 km. Characterizing the KHI development in three dimensions revealed wavelength, eddy diameter, and vertical length scale of 9.8, 5.2, and 3.8 km, respectively, centered at 102 km altitude. Further analysis of dimensionless numbers -- such as Richardson, Reynolds, and Froude numbers -- illustrated that the presence of strong and sustained shears was the mechanism involved in generating KHIs in the thermosphere. Advection has been modeled to be an important acceleration in high-latitude. However, observations of this forcing mechanism have been scarce. Moreover, previous studies investigated the effects of the Hall drag on the Coriolis parameter without including the centrifugal force in the analysis. Chapter \ref{chap:adv} addresses the following scientific question: How does geomagnetic activity affect the vertical distribution of forces (including advection) and the modified Coriolis parameter in the E-region? Triangulation of vapor traces released from sounding rockets was used to calculate the meridional advective acceleration. The observations took place during 5 different geomagnetic conditions for the JOULE II, HEX II, MIST, Auroral Jets, and Super Soaker launches. The instantaneous Lorentz acceleration, which is often considered a dominant force in high-latitude active conditions, was calculated by using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) data. These calculations showed that advection can become a dominant term depending on the geomagnetic activity level. The analysis of modified Coriolis parameter Φ\Phi, which includes the centrifugal acceleration, revealed that in strong geomagnetic activity an air parcel tends to remain in the auroral oval (channel of enhanced Lorentz acceleration) for an extended period of time. This potentially provides an explanation for why winds are enhanced in the low thermosphere above 115 km during strong geomagnetic activity